Aldersgate United Methodist Church in Santa Fe, TX
was founded on April 3, 1960 when the Alta Loma
Methodist Church and the Arcadia Methodist Church
officially merged after realizing their oneness in Christ.
The name Aldersgate was selected in remembrance of the heartwarming experience of Methodist founder John Wesley on Aldersgate Street in London on May 24, 1738.
We follow the beliefs and tenants of the United Methodist Church as laid out in our Book of Discipline. We believe God is one in three persons, Jesus is the Son of God and our Savior, and the Holy Spirit is always present with us. We believe humans were created to be in relationship with God, the Church universal is the body of Christ in the world today, and the Bible is the primary source for our faith. We believe God is alive and reigning over creation and will restore all creation one day. For more details on our faith and beliefs, please visit our denomination's website.
At AUMC, we believe faith is more than what happens on Sunday mornings; it is a part of who we are, inside and out. We believe in sharing the joy of the gospel daily and living a life that embodies the spirit of Christ.
We believe each person is on a journey toward wholeness - fully healed, fully in God, fully loving. Much like puzzle pieces, each person is looking for where they fit in this world. At Aldersgate, we commit to walking this journey together. Our goal is to connect people to Jesus Christ so that lives, communities, and the world are transformed. We are striving to put the pieces together through support, acceptance, relationships, and faith, all through the power of God, so that all people can move from pieces to peace.
The first step we are taking on our Journey to Wholeness is Acceptance. Through care and compassion, we are working to be an accepting place for all who are looking for wholeness. Our Missions, Congregational Care, and Worship are a few areas we are focusing on in 2025. If you have suggestions for how AUMC can be more accepting, please contact the church office.
Administrative Assistant
Music Director
Sunday morning worship
Summer Art Camp
Admin Council Start-of-the-Year Meeting
Church Hymn Sing
Children's Message in Worship
Packing snack bags for Backpack Buddy
Putting together Hygiene Kits for UMCOR
Choir at Easter Cantata
Church Picnic
Kids ready for Easter Egg Hunt
Gospel music at Church Picnic
Chancel Choir
Packing Hygiene Kits for UCMOR
Fixing up the playgrounds for Servolution Mainland
Processing in on Palm Sunday